Michael King
February 2021
TidalHealth Peninsula Regional




Michael and Katie showed immense compassion for this couple.
Caring for patients in the ICU and at any level of care can be physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging at times. As nurses, we were tested even further with the introduction of the COVID-19 virus. When caring for a husband and wife in the Intensive Care Unit, Michael and Katie showed immense compassion for this couple. The couple fought long and hard to battle COVID-19. She remained on the ventilator and he depended on non-invasive ventilation measures to breathe.
When their family decided that their loved ones had fought long enough, they decided to withdraw support and make the couple comfortable and allow them to pass on. When the decision was made, Michael and Katie ensured the couple could be together through this journey. Michael and Katie contacted the family via video call so they could see their loved ones and be with them. They moved her into her husband's room, put down the side rails, joined their hands, and allowed the couple to be as one as they passed on. He passed first and she followed him only eight minutes later.
While death is sad in any case, a silver lining for this couple is that they were able to be together and they did not have to know life without their person. Nurses have the unique ability to allow the dying process to hurt just a little less for families and I know this family felt comforted knowing their loved ones were together when they passed.