Michelle Chambers
February 2021
Critical Care Unit, PCU
Bon Secours Mercy Health Lourdes




Michelle was way above and beyond
A patient had been in the hospital for over two weeks and had been intubated and extubated a few times in ICU prior to coming to us in PCU.
This patient is bed-bound, with a feeding tube, rectal tube, PICC line, and par wick.
When Nurse Michelle Chambers entered the room, the patient was in tears and said to Michelle to "please get me out of this room for a while." Michelle clamped the patient’s feeding tube, got an oxygen tank, put a mask on the patient, and Michelle and a PCA pushed her around the entire halls of PCU 2-3 times to give the patient a change of scenery. This was awesome to see, and I believe was way above and beyond to make the patient feel better.