Michelle Jennings
June 2020
Patient Care Resources
UC Davis Medical Center
United States




My 17-year-old daughter was recently airlifted and admitted to UC Davis from another facility. We were not sure what to expect based on the information that the doctors had given us in Redding. After a very long night of being transferred and leaving her siblings, this amazing woman walks into B's room like a ray of sunshine. Her smile, gentleness, compassion, and honesty were so greatly appreciated. Michelle sat and spoke to my daughter explaining everything that she knew and yet was not afraid to tell her when she didn't know something. But she would find it out. B would ask a question and Michelle would lean down next to her and gently tell her that she was in good hands and that she would be there to help take care of her. Michelle had to leave at 7 pm that night and made sure to come in to tell B that she would be back in the morning.
Once again, she walked through the door with a vibrant smile and words of encouragement. When Michelle realized we were from 3 hours away, had no car, and that I didn't leave my daughter alone, she encouraged me to go get something to eat. She stated, "I will make sure your sweet girl is taken care of" and that she did. As a single mom with my other three children at home, she was the comfort that I needed as well. Our several days at UC Davis were made much easier because of her and a couple of others. Her words of encouragement and support will forever be appreciated.
Lastly, Michelle walks into the room after her lunch with an adult coloring book, colored pencils, and a deck of cards. She wanted B to have something to do to pass the time. She said, "Now you and your momma can pass the time getting you well with some fun!" I found out that she purchased these items with her own money. She took her time from lunch and thought of the two of us. I cannot express the absolute admiration and respect I have for this young lady. One night she left and came back to hug B goodbye. B, with tears in her eyes, asked for a photo of the two of them together. Michelle without hesitation said, "Absolutely!" We will treasure this photo as the good that came from a not so good situation.
Michelle is a true DAISY Nurse. I can continue to tell you of all of the little things that were so big in our eyes, but these were just a few. I truly hope that we are able to see Michelle again and that B can give her a huge hug and say thank you while standing up versus in a hospital bed. She truly deserves recognition for her exemplary service.