Misty Webster
December 2023
Bassett Medical Center
United States




Misty was just very calm and explained everything happening to me in a manner that made it not so scary.
Misty is the nurse who mainly took care of me when I was there having a CTA scan done. She was just very encouraging, understood my concerns about the test, and told me what to expect. Therefore putting my mind at ease. She also took the time to listen and was very understanding of my concerns. She was just very calm and explained everything happening to me in a manner that made it not so scary. Since I never had this done before and was very nervous, I asked her if she could go in with me. She did go in with me, and it made me much calmer, and I was able to get through it without any hesitations because I knew she was right there watching over me. She made it about me and my comfort level. Anything I was nervous about, she took the time to explain things and was very comforting. She asked throughout the whole process, from the IV to the test, how I was doing and if I needed anything.