Molly Hurda
May 2022
USNMRTC Yokosuka, Japan
Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command




Under her leadership, I don’t feel like a number. Molly makes me feel like a person that she genuinely cares about.
When I think of Molly, the following comes to mind: 

She’s the kind of leader you want to follow, not because of her rank or position, but because she has earned that respect from her people. She doesn’t need to demand it. She’s the kind of leader, that if she told you to charge that hill, you would.

Honest and humble. She’s not too proud and is humble enough to admit when she doesn’t know something, but will always follow up with you when she does find out the answer. No one is perfect, but what I think makes her a great leader, is as she is humble and is constantly reflecting on how to better herself as a leader and person. This is probably one of my favorite qualities in someone.

She is open-minded, flexible, adaptable, and approachable. Her people feel comfortable coming to her to share ideas/concerns creating a healthy work environment. Integrity. She always does the right thing and stands up for what is right, even if it puts her in difficult situations. I trust she has our best interest at heart.

She is fair and encouraging. Even when she had to make a difficult decision to deny my leave, she took the time and had the courage to have the genuine conversation of sitting down with me and explaining why the directorate wouldn’t be able to support it. Her taking the time to listen to me, and sit down with me face to face, meant the world to me and made it easier to accept the news. I appreciated that more than she probably knows.

Under her leadership, I don’t feel like a number. She makes me feel like a person that she genuinely cares about. I can tell she does that for each and every one of us. She has no bias. She sees the best in people and wants the best for them.