Monica Wyms
February 2023
Float Pool
St. Louis University Hospital
St. Louis
United States
We want to recognize Monica for her extraordinary gift of placing one's mind at ease and being attentive to my father's needs and that of the family.
This is very late and I apologize - the recognition is still so very important to share. As I reflect on the week my father was hospitalized after a serious car accident, so many emotions come to light. The unfortunate loss of my mom caused incredible grief to my family and our father. Many staff were truly amazing, however, one in particular was able to bring out a smile and sometimes a "chuckle" from my dad. The minute Monica stepped into his room; he knew he was going to have a good day. My brother happened to be present at the time and said she immediately "warmed" the room. Monica treated my father with respect, compassion and tenderness - not simply as a "patient", but with the care she would likely provide to her own family. She laughed, joked, and bantered with my dad - exactly as he needed and typically would behave himself. At 90 years old, he was recognizing how suddenly life as he knew it was gone. It was good for all of us (Children and grandchildren) to see Dad "happy" for the first time in many days. We want to recognize Monica for her extraordinary gift of placing one's mind at ease and being attentive to my father's needs and that of the family. She took the time to bathe him as simple as that sounds, she didn't rush or make him feel like she was needed elsewhere. Monica will be remembered for her personality, energy, personal magnetism, and how she made us feel. Thank you for providing a wonderful experience and truly exemplifying the mission of SSM!