Morgan Lansman
May 2024
Labor and Delivery
MercyOne Des Moines
Des Moines
United States




So, to my quiet but so strong leader, Morgan, thank you!
The American Nursing Association describes a nurse leader as those who "inspire and influence others to achieve their maximum potential." Morgan Lansman embodies this to the very core of her being. She not only takes amazing care of her patients, but she also cares for her coworkers, sacrificing her own time and energy to ensure the strength of her fellow nurses and other staff. She has embraced the role of lead night charge for our west labor and delivery team and has influenced the growth of our team dynamic as a 7th floor since the very beginning. Morgan is an amazing leader who rarely gets recognized by others and never recognizes herself for the amazing work she does day in and day out.

When Morgan is taking care of a patient, she is all in on them. She embodies what they want from their birthing experience and works to make that happen to the best of her ability. I have said since before I was even on the labor and delivery team that I would want Morgan as my nurse because I know she would take such amazing care of me and my family through all the ups and downs that labor and birthing can bring. This statement has only grown truer since I transitioned to being a labor and delivery nurse last year. The care she gives her patients is how I hope to one day be seen by my patients and fellow nurses. I've seen her calm a patient down while waiting for an epidural. Talking and encouraging in the most soothing voice, putting everyone in the room at ease. She is also the biggest cheerleader, coaxing a patient through pushing and showing them how to find the strength to keep going even when all hope seems lost. She is the most dedicated nurse to every patient she encounters and works herself to the ground to give them the best possible experience possible.

Outside of patient care, Morgan is second to none in her leadership of a team. As a nurse coming from Mother Baby, I struggled this last year to really find myself in my transition to an OB flex nurse. A lot of times, I felt like I had to hide my weakness and timidness, but never with Morgan. From day one, she always wanted to know how I was doing, what I had questions about, what I needed help with, and what she could do to support me. It didn't matter what craziness would be going on with other patients on the floor if she was busy or if there were other things she could be doing; she was always ready to help me.

Need some ideas for position changes? Morgan's got an idea. Need someone to look at your strip and decide are these early decels or late decels? Morgan will talk through what she thinks they are and why she thinks that. She won't just give you the answer; she will work it out with you. She asked me what I felt like I wanted to improve on one night we worked together and assigned me a patient who would allow me to do that and wanted to work through it with me so I felt like I could use the experience to learn. Now, when that ended up going completely out the window because babies are never predictable, she told me how awesome I had adapted to the situation and told me she had never doubted the care I could give to this patient. It's not even just work stuff. Morgan has been cheerleading me all year through my own personal struggles and always reminds me that she is here for me and wants to know how I'm doing. She encourages me to take the time I need for myself and not feel guilty because I have to take care of myself to care for others. I know anything I tell her doesn't go to the gossip strand and that she wants what's best for me. This care for her coworkers is unparalleled.

On top of all this, Morgan is also continuing her own education. She is in school to get her BSN while working full-time nights plus lots of overtime and living the best life. I can't imagine doing all she does and still having time for traveling, but she does it, and I love it. We might be the same age, but I truly mean it when I say I want to be like Morgan when I grow up! She is truly an inspiration to me and a leader that a lot of people overlook because she just does it all quietly. So, to my quiet but so strong leader, Morgan, thank you!

Note: This is Morgan's 2nd DAISY Award!