Morgan Lawrence
June 2020
Cardiovascular Surgical Unit
UCI Health




Morgan has made such an impact on my life that I have already scheduled an appointment for rehab.
Morgan was the nurse who was assigned to me when I was admitted. From the very beginning, she showed concern for why I was here. She gave me her full attention as I gave her my history and made me feel like a person, not just a medical number. I was blessed with the fact that she would be my nurse for three consecutive days. She made me feel comfortable, made me feel like she was here just for me knowing she had other patients. She never made me feel like she had more important things to do than listen to an old man's stories or troubles. She even laughed at my corny jokes including all my Disney jokes. I am a man with really no friends and she took the time to let me vent some of my troubles including my addiction to meth. My addiction was hard enough to admit to but Morgan never made me feel like I was a lowlife or less of a person. Then she had come to let me know she requested social service for me, which was a big relief. I did scare her a little bit on the second day when I was non-responsive and she had to call for rapid response and of course, it was right at shift change. What touched me the most was she stayed until the incident was resolved and I was stable. No one has ever done that before.
I want to thank Morgan from the bottom of my, still breathing heart and to let UCI know that she is definitely worth keeping. She has made such an impact on my life that I have already scheduled an appointment for rehab. Showing me that there are still caring people. Thank you for caring and not forgetting how to fit an elephant into a Safeway grocery bag.