August 2023
Pennsylvania College of Technology
United States




She sat down and listened to the patient, allowing the patient to vent her feelings, and then gave the patient choices regarding her care, making for a great night.
Regardless of the situation or time of day, Nayla reported to clinical with a positive attitude. When she had accomplished her objectives, she would round on her fellow students and the staff to find out where she could help out.

One day in particular, she had a patient with dementia who could be combative at times. Instead of running in the other direction, she asked questions about the best way to handle the situation, and by the end of the second day, she had developed a trusting relationship with the patient. In fact, the patient would light up when Nayla entered the room. She went above and beyond to sit with the patient while she ate and to make sure that she was not soiled or scared. ... When other students were discouraged, Nayla reminded them why they were there and how lucky they were to be caring for people.

Nayla is professional, compassionate, and self-motivated. Nayla had a patient who was angry and acting out. She sat down and listened to the patient, allowing the patient to vent her feelings, and then gave the patient choices regarding her care, making for a great night.

During Nayla’s clinical rotation, she had numerous opportunities to demonstrate her compassion and empathy. Nayla accepted her assignments even when they got changed numerous times due to discharges. Nayla was always willing to help her peers. Nayla demonstrated accountability and responsibility, all characteristics that are not often seen in the early part of a student’s career. Nayla always had a smile on her face and brought energy to the clinical site.