December 2023
AMN Healthcare
United States




She dives deep into data and ensures that all of the cogs are functioning appropriately. She goes onsite and has crucial conversations with managers about the difficulties in their units and offers credible solutions to keep the HPs on assignment.
Nicole Krug, entered the AMN clinical team this year to a very difficult client with many needs. She entered into the CEQM role, which she had to define on her own. She took this task to heart and turned this client on its ear. She dives deep into data and ensures that all of the cogs are functioning appropriately. She goes onsite and has crucial conversations with managers about the difficulties in their units and offers credible solutions to keep the HPs on assignment. She also keeps in constant contact with the HPs and is singlehandedly saving all of our payroll issues. She works extremely hard to ensure our clinicians are satisfied with their assignments and very clear about what can be changed and what can't be changed. The managers are really starting to trust the AMN's clinical team, and our placements are working much better. She truly works well with the internal AHN team as well with keeping the information correct and providing specifics to aid in our processes. She has quickly made herself very necessary to the success of this very complicated MSP. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is a shining example of what an AMN wants the marketplace to see.