Noah Johnson
February 2024
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston
United States




Noah truly brings us comfort during the hardest times. It's clear our son knows who this nurse is too, even being less than a year old, because he will calm down when his nurse walks through the door and sometimes even cry hysterically when this nurse leaves.
This nurse has been our son's primary nurse while we've been in the CICU for 6 months. During his stay in the CICU, this nurse has shown genuine care to him. Whenever this nurse is placed with our son, we can truly feel comfortable stepping away for a breather or being with our daughter at home because we know this nurse will provide my son with the best quality of care. This nurse advocates for our son when we can't be there, and this nurse will genuinely give input about things we wouldn't consider since we aren't in the medical field. When this nurse isn't assigned to our son, this nurse still takes on the role of our son’s primary. All the nurses tell us how this nurse checks in on our son and will give the nurses tips and tricks for caring for him. This nurse will even come over on breaks to spend time with our son and soothe him. Nurses have shared how they will approach this nurse as well if they need extra guidance because the other nurses know how much this nurse cares about our son and has spent the time to get to know him. This nurse made our son’s monthly Happy Birthday signs and hung them up in his room. This nurse has come back from days off and shared with me times this nurse thought about our son and his care at CHOA. When our son had his open-heart surgery, this nurse stayed into the next shift just to simply wheel our son off to surgery with us and give our son a pep talk. Our entire family knows about this nurse because we share with them all the kind gestures this nurse shows toward our son. This nurse truly brings us comfort during the hardest times. It's clear our son knows who this nurse is too, even being less than a year old, because he will calm down when his nurse walks through the door and sometimes even cry hysterically when this nurse leaves. This nurse cares and is incredible. This nurse is such a blessing to our family and deserves this award.