The Nurses at Lourdes Birthing Center at Lourdes Hospital
September 2023
The Nurses at Lourdes Birthing Center
at Lourdes Hospital
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Memorial, Inc.
United States
Traci Burdick, RN
Kayla Cutting, RN
Kiley Harder - Ort, RN
Jinell Holden, RN
Erica Jones, RN
Ashley McKenzie, RN
Chelsea Rose, RN
Jennifer Wright, RN
Megan Zwiers, RN
Mary Beth Baird, RN




I am writing to inform you of our appreciation for the care and support that we received while our daughter was a patient in the Maternity unit at Lourdes Hospital starting in January 2023.  While we would like to nominate one Nurse for this award, we feel that the level of care and compassion that was displayed by the entirety of the staff, from those direct contact Nurses, all the way to the custodial staff and Kitchen support were noteworthy.  At every interaction we encountered, your staff was attentive, compassionate, patient, and gracious in their work.  

Even when we were bending the rules that needed to be enforced for an extra individual in the room taking turns visiting.  We were gently reminded that the policy is two visitors at a time! (We completely understood and immediately complied when prompted.) Even a grandpa, pacing in the halls was talked to and engaged positively by everyone he met. 

I would like to give a description of the significant event that occurred immediately following the birth of our granddaughter.  As life goes, sometimes there are curve balls that are thrown with the best of plans.  And I can attest with the work that I do, when there is a task that hasn’t been done in a while, or if we are attempting something new, we plan, train, and practice that task until we can do it safely and to standard.  We attempt to make it a matter of routine and safe conduct for all involved.  Something you obviously do also and very, very well.

Immediately following the birth of our granddaughter, Dr. Morrison recognized that our daughter was hemorrhaging uncontrolled.  Several attempts were made in the birthing room to control and stop the hemorrhaging.  What happened next was that for that team, there was a coordinated drill that was run, and calmly and efficiently, they changed the plan.  While my wife and other daughter (the coaches) were in the room, the staff, with tremendous compassion and grace, decided that they would need to move our daughter to the OR room and remedy the blood loss immediately.  It is no small recognition that such a happy occasion was on the verge of a dangerous and life-threatening situation.(Not that you could tell from the group of professionals though)  within a very short period, Dr Morrison returned and gave us the good news that we were longing to hear.  She patiently answered all our questions and instilled confidence and peace in a scary situation. What an amazing outcome from something that a generation ago may have resulted in tragedy.  There simply is no way to single one of these professionals out and say that they were above anyone else on the team.  (All the way down to the custodial person who came in to clean the floor when my daughter went into the OR) everyone there deserves our gratitude and thanks for the work that they obviously love to do!  What an amazing team of professionals you have.  

I will attempt to Name the individuals that I remember: Janell, M’s Primary Nurse the day that she was admitted, the discharge Nurse Traci, the Lactation Specialist Mary Beth, and I’m sure that you can see who was working that afternoon/evening and see who else was scheduled that evening (I don’t want to miss anyone else that was involved) all of the professionals that evening has an impact and contributed to making that event special and successful.  At one point, I’m sure the entire floor was in her room when the plan was changing, and the team was executing a lifesaving drill after a life giving one.

We are so glad to have been with the team of professionals for that short period of time; what an amazing experience and so many things to be thankful for.  It is our hope that this letter will find its way back to the Nurses on the Maternity Unit, Dr Morrison for their contributions to our special birthday!!

Thank you so very much, and may God continue to bless each of you and your families.