Olivia Johl
July 2020
Ambulatory Nursing Service
UC Davis Medical Center
United States




The Pediatric Nephrology department follows patients from a very young age until the age of 21. Due to the extended time and follow-up, bonds are built with their Nephrologist and their Resource Nurse. This past winter we had a patient and her mother admitted with the influenza virus.
While the pediatric patient was admitted to UC Davis Children's Hospital, the mom was admitted to a different Hospital. During their hospital course, the team was informed by Dr. N that the patient's mom had passed away. This news saddened the entire department. This mom was well known within the Pediatric Nephrology department due to her impressive care and support she provided her daughter who is wheelchair-bound, underwent dialysis and received a kidney transplant. We all feared who would take on the patient's complicated care.
This is where Olivia (Pediatric Nephrology Resource Nurse) shined! She immediately contacted the patient's next of kin to find out where she could be of assistance to the family regarding medical care, or any social services. Olivia scheduled the patient and her sister-in-law an RN clinic visit to thoroughly explain all the transplant medications emphasizing the importance of medication compliance for the lifespan of the graft, the frequency of routine labs, and how clinic visits are conducted, etc.
Olivia collected voluntary donations from the team to help the family with funeral costs. Olivia also attended the funeral services to show the family her support. We share an office, and on several occasions, I have overheard Olivia calling and checking-in on the family. Olivia went as far as giving her personal cell number to the patient/family for them to contact her anytime if they had questions regarding care or medications.
Olivia has gone over and beyond to help the family with grieving and ensuring the patient receives all the care that is needed. Olivia shared with me one day how the patient called her excited about starting college next quarter and Olivia had tears of joy that she would share this news with her. Olivia touched this young girl's life in a moment when she felt her world crumbled. I am privileged to have witnessed this act of kindness, an exemplary act of going beyond the nursing scope of practice, and proud to share this story of one of the many families Olivia has touched.
Olivia practices all the qualifications of a true DAISY Nurse as her daily routine. Caring beyond medicine, healing a soul, and present at the moment to support those in need.