Pam Huus
January 2020
Children's Minnesota




I really felt supported and valued because Pam took the time to teach me and valued my input by standing behind my choices.
Pam taught me to care for my newborn using humor and catchy epithets. She explained how to give N, my daughter, a bath and walked me through my first time. "Don't drown her or drop her," Pam said to reassure me that I was doing just fine. Each bath I gave N after that was a success if I didn't drown her or drop her (or get soap in her eyes). Pam was also very personable. She shared about herself, which made me feel comfortable talking about my own feelings and challenges.
Finally, Pam helped me develop my own knowledge base and discernment so that I could practice making decisions before I went home with my new baby. "Is she crying because she's still hungry or does she have a stomachache?" I would ask. Pam would provide guidance based on her experience but ultimately left it up to my "professional judgment" as she called it to make a decision. I really felt supported and valued because Pam took the time to teach me and valued my input by standing behind my choices. I felt comfortable leaving N's care in Pam's capable hands and confident that I could carry over the basics of newborn care when I got home.