June 2020
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
Baton Rouge
United States




Pam and I talked at length, and she allayed my fears.
Miss Pam has taken extraordinarily good care of me today in general.  I had some fears and did not understand all that the cardiologist said.  When he came in and told me that I had to have a TTE, I was most distressed; and then when he talked of implanting a line, I believe that my brain shut down.  After having thought about it for a day,  I began to reach out to a friend who also has heart issues.  Miss Pam happened to be in the room and told me that I should have asked her.  Her real work area is surgery in that area.  She and I talked at length, and she allayed my fears.  I was able to ask her to have these procedures scheduled.  I so appreciate her willingness to just sit down and talk with me like we were friends.   It made all the difference in the world to me.  And who knows but that having these procedures will save my life.