Paris Irvine
August 2020
Labour Suite
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




I was an inpatient at UHCW for three days. At the time of my admission, I was 24 +3 weeks pregnant, and I had experienced some leaking of my waters. By the time I arrived at UHCW labour ward triage and was scanned by a doctor my son had sadly passed away. The next two days were the most traumatic of my life. I knew that I had to wait at least 24 hours before I would then have to give birth to my son who would be born stillborn. The night before I gave birth, my partner and I lay in the hospital together sobbing, not knowing why or how this had happened. All I could think was, why me? What did I do to deserve this? The pain of knowing my child has died haunts me to my core. My pregnancy had been classed as low risk and all ultrasound scans were normal. The emotional pain and turmoil I went through were unthinkable. Early in the afternoon the next day, I began experiencing contractions which quickly escalated to 3 in every 10 minutes. Following this, I was quickly taken down to the delivery suite and classed as in established labour. For several hours following this, I experienced further intense contractions before finally delivering my son, at approximately 20.30hours.
All of the midwives, doctors, and health care assistants who cared for me, my partner and my son were exceptional. However, one person stood out for us, Paris.
Paris was 30-60 minutes into her nightshift when my son was born, she was the first person to hold my son, and for that reason, she will always be remembered and have a very special place in my heart. Her kindness and professionalism are utterly inspiring. I have been a nurse myself for 11 years and a health visitor for 5. Paris deserves recognition for the care she gave us in the following hours after my son's birth into the morning. I know she may just see this as "doing her job" but she made what was the most traumatic experience of our lives more bearable and ultimately I can look back on it with peace because of her. She allowed us to have as much time as we wanted to hold our son, taking photos and gently explaining to us what would happen next. In the morning before she finished her nightshift she dressed our son in new clothes and took prints of his hands and feet, something I will treasure for the rest of my life. I know that she really did go above and beyond for us that night and I will remember her with fondness always. Paris is a very special, beautiful person, who clearly has a passion for delivering exceptional patient care whilst displaying empathy and kindness. The compassion shown to our son was incredibly touching and gave both of us the reassurance we needed at a time when we were both feeling very vulnerable. It felt far closer to dealing with a family member as opposed to a medical professional for which we will be eternally grateful.
Right now is a struggle getting through the days without our son, but in order to form any part of a legacy for him, I would love for Paris to be considered for this award. Thank you for everything you did for us that night Paris you will always be in our hearts.