Patricia Beilke
March 2022
Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center
United States
The mother of that small boy has no idea of the angel God sent to love and care for her child.
My son had his appendix removed and he spent a few days in the hospital. Because he was positive for Covid, he was placed in a special “Covid Room” with another Covid patient. I had the privilege to stay with my son all the days he was hospitalized. I couldn’t imagine having him alone in a room without a family member there to be with him and love on him. But that was exactly the situation of our neighbor (roommate), a little boy who did not have any family members there with him. We had very nice nurses taking care of my son and the little boy next to us, but nonequal to the love, commitment, and dedication that Trish Beilke showed us and especially to our roommate.
Trish was patient with the little boy when it was difficult to understand what he wanted and needed. She played with him and gained his trust by loving him and being there for him while the other nurses just came to do “their job”. Trish came to be with him and went above and beyond just to be with him. She came on her days off to be with “her two boys” not caring that they were Covid positive. The mother of that small boy has no idea of the angel God sent to love and care for her child. I have seen and been around great nurses but very few like Trish. Loving, committed, humble, funny, patient, caring, and very professional are some of the qualities that make Trish one amazing nurse! Thank you, Trish!
Trish was patient with the little boy when it was difficult to understand what he wanted and needed. She played with him and gained his trust by loving him and being there for him while the other nurses just came to do “their job”. Trish came to be with him and went above and beyond just to be with him. She came on her days off to be with “her two boys” not caring that they were Covid positive. The mother of that small boy has no idea of the angel God sent to love and care for her child. I have seen and been around great nurses but very few like Trish. Loving, committed, humble, funny, patient, caring, and very professional are some of the qualities that make Trish one amazing nurse! Thank you, Trish!