Patricia Johnson
April 2021
Emergency Department
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center




Patty’s smile and calming manner made a huge impression
From a patient’s husband:

I took my wife to the ER after her first treatment of her second round of chemotherapy. She was so sick. The doctor on duty issued an IV and was going to send her home. She had three bags and wasn't getting any better. I couldn't have gotten her back into our house. Patricia Johnson was with her continuously. She was so good and nice to her. Patty got me a recliner and heated blanket. The doctor went off duty at 3:00 am. The incoming doctor admitted my wife. I give Patty full credit for keeping her there. I do hope if I ever have to go to the ER, Patty will be there to treat me. She is so caring and gentle and nice! She really cares about her patients.
From the patient's daughter:

I have heard the story many times about how grateful my dad was for Patty. My mom was also very thankful when she was able to be.
My Mom was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of COVID. There were times through her illness that I and my dad were unable to be with her. Communication was not the best. My mom did not always understand what was going on. We did feel overwhelmed and sad with her diagnosis. She was very weak and ill and had a bad reaction to chemo. It seemed that some care providers were not sympathetic to my parents on this horrible day. Patty stood up for my mom and dad. She seemed to care, smile, and help them be comfortable and calm. My Mom was in the hospital for one week after that. Cancer sucks and being alone sucks. Patty’s smile and calming manner made a huge impression on my dad who was losing his forever love. She did come home on hospice, she did pass away. Patty was the one person that showed compassion that day. This devastating experience was made a bit better that night by Patty. She took the time to chat with my dad and listen to his concerns. She made him feel better. Mom was so ill that night, she was not able to understand all that Patty did, however, she was able to hear the story of compassion several times, told by my dad. It meant a lot to both of them and to me. We are thankful for Patty.
From a different patient of Patricia Johnson:

I came to the ER with a fairly minor problem and was a bit unsure as to whether I should have bothered the ER staff with it. Patty was super professional and treated me no differently. She is the definition of a nurse and someone who takes the caring of others seriously and cheerfully. Thank you Patty!