Patra Altamirano
April 2024
Tower 4
Yuma Regional Medical Center
United States




There was no question in my mind while I was hospitalized that nurse Petra’s integrity was clearly demonstrated.
I received a surgery in March at the Yuma Regional Medical Center and remained hospitalized until early evening of the next day. During the entire time of hospitalization, after the early morning surgery, I was housed in Room 436, and during the daytime both days I was cared for by Nurse Petra Altamirano and her nursing assistants. I was more than pleased by the concern and care provided by Nurse Petra, and I will be pleased to explain why.
First I have Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia, and while that isn’t life threatening for me since it was diagnosed in approximately 1990, anytime I face a surgery that medical issue can be both a problem and a danger. I made sure that Nurse Petra was aware simply by telling her initially and she instantly informed me that she knew and would keep a close watch for me.
Secondly, my late wife was a nursing instructor after years of serving as a hospital nurse. As you might guess, I learned a considerable amount about nursing as I watched her progress as a student, a practicing nurse, and as a professor of nursing students and paramedics at Imperial Valley College. I certainly learned how a first quality nurse would behave and perform.
Nurse Petra was clearly a compassionate and caring nurse to me. I was in considerable pain post the April 2024 surgery and she spoke with me and assisted me every hour each day. There were two processes that had to be performed at specific times: the emptying of a bladder bag every fifteen minutes, and the provision of almost a gallon of water into the bladder each hour. Simply put, that took place daily under her supervision.
In each communication with her, whether I was inquiring or she was, our speaking together remained highly respectable, particularly from her. I’m sure I asked a couple of stupid questions, but I received answers from her without being told how foolish or ignorant my question might be. Essentially, she educated me about my recovery, the recovery process, and the future of my health.
There was no question in my mind while I was hospitalized that nurse Petra’s integrity was clearly demonstrated. She was fully aware of hospital rules and the medical practice rules that exist and she made sure they were followed properly. And something else that I observed and noticed was that her staff also held her in high respect and followed her instructions.
I strongly suspect that I will never see her again, but I will always hold her in high regards. I certainly will mention her professional and personal quality in any conversation I will have in the future. She will always hold my respect.