PK Kittipha
May 2024
Advanced Practice Services - Adults
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Loma Linda
United States




PK’s ability to not allow the world around me to crumble my dreams and goals. The motivation and drive to push and encourage me to not give up.
I started my path towards obtaining the gastric bypass and that was the day I first met my doctor. Little did I take into thought that this path would turn into a long and emotional journey. I still remember sitting in room one, my heartbeat unsteady, my hands across my belly, and my thumbs twiddling around one another. PK Kittipha walked in with such a welcoming smile and those nerves slowly started to calm down. Truth be told, I did feel intimidated, as though I was about to be judged and even persecuted for where my current weight had checked in; PK simply washed every one of those feelings off with his warm bedside manner of allowing me to feel normal. PK worked hand and hand with me at our monthly visits. Helping me establish a pattern with my medication, mental health issues, as well as taking an interest in my schooling at the time. Each visit made me feel proud of what I was accomplishing, not just in my everyday life but on my path towards achieving my goals of getting this life altering surgery. In November, I got the green light from PK that I had made it through all the obstacles I needed to get through for the surgery. It felt like a victory for both of us because how invested PK was to see me reach my goal. However, as 2020 rolled in the pandemic hit and the operation went on the back burner as many other peoples had.

That year, I experienced many life-changing moments as many others had during that time. PK kept me on track as best he could with video appointments or messages through my chart. During that year, I started experiencing anxiety, depression, and fear but PK never allowed me to feel less of myself. In December 2020 Covid finally hit home, where both my parents and I all caught this virus. That month, I hit my breaking point, and two months later, in 2021, I was diagnosed with PTSD. As the world was getting back on their feet slowly, PK assisted me in getting back on track towards my operation. However, because my health was compromised with diabetes and a weak immune system, many setbacks from hospital visits, heavy medication, and lack of willpower slowed my journey toward getting my bypass surgery down. Even though that was accumulating, PK never once stopped having faith that I could get to that operating table. I graduated top 10% of my class, and of course I shared this moment with PK, and he of course reminded me how my next major goal was my surgery.

In 2022, after several months of trying to get my weight where it was needed, many medication changes, and plenty of office visits, I was about to be kicked off the bariatric program. PK did his best to vouch for me to be given another opportunity. PK sat me down at one of our many appointments that year and told me this was my last go around. He reminded me to remember my “why”. I remember looking at PK and tears running down my face and him saying “Remember, you just graduated, and you said you want to go to law school, you want to run up and down those courthouse steps, and one day you want to have a family”. PK even playfully always reminded me how Yale is my goal for law school and how I am supposed to make that a reality. Even with my ups and downs PK never allowed me to lose sight of what was important to me.

In December, I walked over to step on that scale once again as I had many times before and I made it. Tears in my eyes, sitting in the exam room, enters PK with a big grin and I simply whispered, “We did it”. I stood up and hugged PK for helping me get to this proud moment. PK smiled and shared warm words of compassion and how I had made this a reality. By that point the holidays were around the corner once again and I would have to wait for the incoming month to get my operation date. Of course, small hiccups came up but nothing that was impossible to change. In February of 2023, I finally got the call to set my operation date. I had another visit with my favorite person PK. By this point PK had been working here with the bariatric department and was attending Yale. Even with his busy schedule PK showed me on his schedule that my operation date was already marked in. PK assured me that he would be there for this big milestone in my life.

Come full circle: 4 years later, after 17 wellness appointments and 15 hospital visits/stays at the Riverside Community Hospital, I checked into the bariatric surgical department. After getting all hooked up with my mama at my side a little knock and a peek in through the curtain enters PK, this amazing man that never once allowed me to give up on making it to that moment in time. PK graciously asked to pray over me and helped push me into the operation room. PK introduced me to the machine that would be assisting to get my operation done, then proceeded to help guide me on the operating table. As they did their final preparation for me, PK stood there at my side as he had promised to talk to me about the next goals I needed to achieve and even about the different law schools I was considering. The last moment I recall before going under was him joking about how Yale was the first choice.

I am now 7 months post op, and I am studying to take my LSATs to apply to law school. Although I know many people contributed to my surgery and even my mental well-being, in my heart, PK is the reason I made it this far in my surgical journey. PK’s ability to not allow the world around me to crumble my dreams and goals. The motivation and drive to push and encourage me to not give up. Above all, PKs superpower was to assure me that I could do anything; even when things seemed impossible and unattainable.

Nonetheless, this is my story and journey with PK. Whom I thank and owe so much to this person. I do believe PK saved my life in more than one way. For this is the reason I believe that PK should obtain the DAISY Award. I thank those who take time in reading my journey and the amazing kind-hearted person PK is.