Quinn C Jackson
July 2023
Quinn C
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center
United States




Then he sang two songs very softly while he played. It did not remove the pain, but my head became very much at ease. I got teary at his kindness and voice.
I recently had back surgery. The procedure was longer and more involved than anticipated. After surgery, I was taken to recovery until my pain was under control, then I could be taken to my room.  I am 83 years old and embarrassed to say, I was in so much pain I just yelled out with every movement or touch. I was given an attendant nurse and he was very soft-spoken and gentle (despite all my noise!). he told me I was maxing out pain meds, but he wanted to know if he could step away for a few minutes. He came back with his guitar and asked if it was okay if he played for me. Then he sang two songs very softly while he played. It did not remove the pain, but my head became very much at ease. I got teary at his kindness and voice. Later, when I told my family about this they too were moved by this gesture.  I don’t know if St. Vincent’s uses such things to help patients cope (or to quiet them down!), but I want to think this man did it “just for me” when I needed it! All the nurses and staff were wonderful, but I will never forget this special act of kindness! Thank you.