Rachel Johnson
August 2020
Rachel V
Nursing Unit 2C Extended Care
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
United States




Ms. Rachel Johnson, RN, ANM for unit 2C, encountered a male dressed in hospital pajamas at the bus stop attempting to get onto a Metro bus in a wheelchair identified as belonging to one of the acute care units. With exemplary critical thinking and clinical reasoning, she asked the person if he was a patient in the facility at which time the person confirmed he was an inpatient. Ms. Johnson immediately contacted the ANOD's office for assistance. She remained with the patient throughout the encounter. She escorted the patient safely back to the unit, spoke with the patient's nurse and the charge nurse. She created an environment for the patient and staff that fostered care, trust, mutual respect, and caring. Ms. Johnson shared her vision and enthusiasm to achieve and sustain ICARE values and VHA's mission of providing exceptional health care that improves the patient's health and well-being by making sure the patient reconnected with his care team for planned quality care.