May 2020
9 South
Advocate Christ Medical Center
Oak Lawn
United States




Becca showed compassion and sympathy for the family and patient during these two shifts, but it was her empathy that brought the most comfort as she grieved with them.
During one shift on 9 South, Becca's assignment included a patient who was very sick and appropriate for Hospice. As the family was meeting with Hospice, Becca was alerted that the patient's heart rate was in the 180s. Even though the patient was not yet admitted to Hospice, she was a full LET status. Becca knew we would not perform any heroic life-saving measures, but she also knew we needed to treat this abnormal rhythm. A Rapid Response was called and the team came to assist. The physician was contacted, orders were received, and Becca did her best to help the patient under the circumstances. The treatment options were limited due to the patient's very low blood pressure and full LET status, but Becca made sure the family members understood everything that was going on. The family knew their loved one was actively dying and did not want to waste time away from the bedside.

Becca continued to do what she could for the patient while also comforting the family. As Becca's shift ended that day, the patient's condition hadn't changed significantly, so treatment options remained limited. The family wanted to focus on making the patient comfortable and spending whatever time was left with her, which is exactly what Becca did.

The next day, Becca returned to work and resumed the care of this same patient. At first, we questioned the assignment because the extraordinary fact in this story is that Becca lost her grandmother a few weeks before and we knew the pain and grief were still fresh in Becca's heart and mind. When Becca was asked if she would like to change the assignment, she replied no because who better to understand what the family was going through than herself? A few hours later, Becca's patient died. She helped the family understand the process of notifying the funeral home and removal of the body, expressed her condolences for their loss, and assured them we would take very good care of their loved one in these final moments.

Becca showed compassion and sympathy for the family and patient during these two shifts, but it was her empathy that brought the most comfort as she grieved with them. It was extraordinary to see Becca put aside her personal feelings of pain and grief which were still so fresh to help the family through their difficult time.