August 2010
3 West - Med/Surg
Hancock Regional Hospital
United States
The night of 6/10/10 was a very difficult night for both Renate and I. The oncology patient in Room 377 was deteriorating quickly. She was still a Full Code. The sister, who is a critical care nurse in MA, had been visiting on evening shift. Around 0300, Renate called family related to the patient’s condition. The patient’s husband and sister came in. Renate spent several minutes, perhaps 30-45, with the family discussing the ramifications of what a Full Code status versus palliative care would mean to the patient. The sister was fully aware; however, the husband was in a state of denial. Renate was so compassionate with the family, particularly the husband. She went into great detail with them and was very honest about outcomes. The husband then decided to make the patient a “No Code” status. Renate quickly called the MD on call for an order. The patient succumbed very peacefully approximately one hour later with family surrounding her. Renate put into place her own personal experience (and wealth of clinical skills) in dealing with this patient’s family and their emotional needs. It was emotionally a very difficult night as well for both of us. Renate handled the situation in a very professional and compassionate manner. I have the utmost respect for her.