Renee Maloney
December 2020
Pregnancy Care Center Nurse Manager, Roots for Recovery Coordinator
Catholic Medical Center
That was when I was introduced to Renee and the wonderful women from the Roots to Recovery.
I just had my first child. Before I had him and up until I was three months pregnant, I was homeless, going to the soup kitchen for food, sleeping in hallways, and risking my life for drugs. One day I overdosed and was brought to CMC. That was when I was introduced to Renee and the wonderful women from the Roots to Recovery. Right away they were sweet, and they actually wanted to help me. They took me under their wing. When I entered the program I looked beat down, awful. I was tired, I just really wanted help and I was finally done with that life.
Today I am totally a brand new person. I'm happy; I don't have to live that life anymore. It all started with Roots for believing in me when I did not believe in myself. Roots have not only helped me for items for myself and baby, but they truly helped me feel better about myself. I am now nine months clean and I'm living a great life with my son. And that's because of people like you who help keep these great programs running.
Today I am totally a brand new person. I'm happy; I don't have to live that life anymore. It all started with Roots for believing in me when I did not believe in myself. Roots have not only helped me for items for myself and baby, but they truly helped me feel better about myself. I am now nine months clean and I'm living a great life with my son. And that's because of people like you who help keep these great programs running.