Renee Meza
February 2023
Dorothy Kern Cancer Center
ProMedica Memorial Hospital
United States




Miss Meza offered a friendship during these infusions that were above and beyond what I expected.
Since being diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer I have had the opportunity to encounter many ProMedica professionals, and they are all great. But after my double mastectomy and finding out I still needed chemo for a year, before final surgery...I was devastated. Miss Meza offered a friendship during these infusions that were above and beyond what I expected. They had nothing to do with treatment and cancer. She asked about my kids and told me of hers. I lived a great vacation through her, and she knew the quirks of my preschool class. I didn't feel like my cancer was the biggest part of me anymore.

As I now deal with the possibility of my girls having this same "issue", I know I would want them the experience it with Nurse Renee. Thank you for presenting this opportunity to me to praise this young lady working a mentally exhausting job and kicking butt at it!