Robert Yeager
December 2016
Kaiser Permanente Redwood City Medical Center
Redwood City
United States
I was a mess when I arrived in the ICU neuroscience department. I was experiencing the worst pain in my life with throbbing, stabbing, squeezing headache, neck pain and lower back pain was out of control. Everyone was asking me questions and stabbing me with needles. They were squeezing my arm at a time when it was almost unbearable. Finally, when Robert came in with the morning shift I knew I was in good hands. I explained how terrible my night was and how much pain I was in. He immediately attended to me by giving me a breakthrough IV medication. I finally got relief for the first time in twelve hours of misery. If Robert bombarded me with questions and exams, I certainly didn't notice. My focus was 100% on pain relief and I felt he shared that priority with me. Robert lent a strong steady hand to help me every time I had to get up to relieve myself. When I had to go for my angiogram, he prepared me with medication for the journey; I felt he was with me every step of the way. He even boosted my morale by telling me I looked like a princess while I was lying on the gurney. He was friendly and upbeat with me. He got me talking for the first time to take my mind off the pain. He was thoughtful and inclusive when my husband came to visit. I think Robert is truly remarkable and if it were up to me I'd give him a thousand DAISY Awards.