May 2019
University Medical Center - New Orleans




Robin speaks something to him as he falls asleep and she is gone just as quietly as she appeared in the room.
Robin is compassionate towards my son, showing gentleness as she does her routine work. She is always making sure my son is aware of her presence as she gently lets him know she's there. I can hear her words as he opens his eyes and sees her there. After the procedure, she speaks something to him as he falls asleep and she is gone just as quietly as she appeared in the room. She's loving and caring for her patients. I believe there are a lot of "Robins" in this UMCNO that go unrecognized, but I took the time to monitor her actions for two shifts. Never did I expect to see in this huge hospital a lot of caring and loving people. I believe it is about the care and patients first are their concern. UMCNO staff shows loving care to their patients. I felt as though I was a patient with such gentleness flowing from the nurses and physicians. They took the time to explain my son's plan of care to me and assured us that we are not alone.