Robyn Freuck
June 2024
Labor & Delivery
Aurora West Allis Medical Center
West Allis
United States




She allowed me to feel in control in a situation that was challenging and unfamiliar.
Robyn is a fantastic person and nurse. I feel fortunate to have had her as my nurse several days for my induction. Induction was not my original plan and was initially discouraging. I now feel grateful to have had an induction which allowed Robyn to be my nurse. I could tell immediately that she was experienced and knowledgeable.  She carried herself with confidence which gave me comfort and I immediately trusted her. On top of this, she is also extremely friendly and fun. I appreciated how Robyn would present me with options and allow me to choose how I wanted to move forward. She laid out options without ever pushing me in a certain direction. She allowed me to feel in control in a situation that was challenging and unfamiliar. She always asked permission and provided education prior to assessments. There were several discouraging moments during my labor and Robyn brought a much needed levity, allowing me to be frustrated, but also to focus my energy in a more positive direction. She was kind and encouraging at all times. We were able to laugh and joke around which is something that provided me with a lot of comfort. I will never forget how encouraging she was after each milestone, like removing my balloon catheter or when my water spontaneously broke and I thought I was just peeing my pants. She was my personal cheerleader, allowing and reminding me to celebrate the small wins after what had felt like an eternity of no progress. She helped keep my spirits high when I felt that my baby would never come. I love how she provided me and my husband space to process our upcoming delivery, but also kept a close eye on me and my baby. She went out of her way and included her coworkers so that I could use a portable monitor that would give me more freedom to move around. It speaks volumes when a nurse is willing to call in coworkers to help. It shows that they are confident in their skill set and always learning and putting patients first, an attitude of humility. She was an excellent educator and was constantly honest and transparent about what I could expect moving forward. This helped me manage my own expectations and make my decisions for my labor. When I decided to have an epidural, Robyn, who had already provided me with several pain management options, was encouraging and supportive. She never made me feel like I had “failed” and instead supported me in that decision and kept me laughing. I know Robyn has found her calling as a L&D nurse and I feel so honored to have been able to experience her talent.