Rose Marc
September 2020
Heart Failure Nurse Navigator
Orlando Health South Seminole Hospital - Orlando Health Heart Institute
United States




I was in the doctor's dictation room doing paperwork. Suddenly, there was a disturbance out of the nurse's station on the second floor. An ICU patient's son wanted to see his father. He was clearly upset and talking loudly and, at times, yelling. Apparently, a security officer was out there with him, and from what I could hear, he wasn't helping the situation.
Rose began to talk to the son. He wanted to see his father. He said, "All I want to do is see that he is alive." However, from what I could hear, another son had already been in to see the patient and the hospital policy is only one person. Rose spoke very calmly and quietly to the son. She calmed him and showed great empathy and understanding of the situation. The son calmed down, not totally but enough that he could listen and understand what she was telling him. He ultimately agreed to leave the area and the hospital.
Having an employee like Rose who was able to assess and handle a situation such as this is an asset to your hospital. She used all her nursing skills to understand and help this son. She de-escalated a situation that could have become volatile.