Ruth A Wilkerson
May 2023
Ruth A
Float (All units)
Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast
Miramar Beach
United States




As I was weeping inconsolably, Ruth hugged me and comforted me during the worst moment of my life. I’ll never forget her kindness. Both then and now, Ruth truly is the embodiment of a caring and compassionate nurse.
Ruth ruined all other nurses for my spritely, 97-year-old dad with her incredible level of care and attention to detail. Not only were her technical nursing skills stellar, but most importantly, Ruth's kindness knew no bounds. She wasn't just knowledgeable, but very patient. She explained every test, poke and prod that was happening to my dad, especially when he got a little confused. He was experiencing sundowners for the first time, and was not only vulnerable but would get heartbreakingly scared in this state. Ruth always made my dad feel incredibly safe and cared for, unlike a few who always made him feel like they were doing him a favor when they stepped into his room. She was also always one step ahead of his needs. When she noticed his sat was dipping while he slept, she gave him oxygen which helped him sleep and kept his sat levels high. She treated him like a king. Not only did she bring him warm blankets when he was cold, but she would remove the others, place the warm one against his skin, and then place the others on top of it to "lock in the heat," which he literally talked about for days. Any time another nurse would just plop a warm blanket on top of the rest, he'd say "Ruth would never do that." She worked tirelessly through the night, ready and willing anytime my dad pressed the nurse button to be there for him. He frequently needed help getting to the bathroom, and he never had to wait for Ruth. She, or her aid, would be there in a flash so he had zero accidents on her watch. She was never short or snippy with him, but only respectful and generous. She also started her shift already familiar with all his meds and history, so she could stay ahead of any issue that popped up during her shift. She also was happy to answer any question we had and was as patient and kind with the family as she was with Dad. And this wasn’t the first time I’ve experienced her generous spirit. There’s no way Ruth would remember this, but in 2013 my mom passed on the same floor. As I was weeping inconsolably, Ruth hugged me and comforted me during the worst moment of my life. I’ll never forget her kindness. Both then and now, Ruth truly is the embodiment of a caring and compassionate nurse. It gave my whole family comfort knowing Dad was in her extremely safe hands. She deserves the DAISY because she really is extraordinary. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to recognize Ruth’s impressive work.