Sadee Laplante
May 2023
Adult Acute Care
Piedmont Columbus Regional
United States




Sadee didn’t have any medical reason to think something was off with Mom, but her gut feeling caused a chain of events that has allowed us to continue to have our mom.
My mom has been in and out of your hospital for the last 2 months. She has been dealing with lung cancer and has been on chemo/immunotherapy for the last 1.5 years. The chemo has been seriously damaging her colon and caused severe diverticulitis and a lot of pain, which was the reason for her hospital stays. This last stay was brutal. The doctor had been trying to convince us that the best course of treatment was to have surgery to have her colon removed, but with her age, weakness from chemo, and knowledge that she would have a colostomy bag, she was (as were we) scared for her to have the life-altering surgery.

On Tuesday, my mom had a horrible day, was in a lot of pain, and was very unwell. A small procedure was scheduled for Wednesday morning to try to relieve the pain and pressure in Mom’s stomach. We had left for the evening. Sadee went in to check on Mom and noticed that something was not right with her. She immediately called the doctor, who wanted an x-ray done asap. Sadee took care of the x-ray, which revealed a tear in Mom’s intestine. Emergency surgery was scheduled immediately, and her large intestine and colon were removed, saving her life! Sadee's quick actions in calling the doctor literally saved her life. We were told after surgery that she wouldn’t have lasted through the night. Sadee didn’t have any medical reason to think something was off with Mom, but her gut feeling caused a chain of events that has allowed us to continue to have our mom. If it wasn’t for Sadee we would be planning a much different scenario now.

We are so grateful for Sadee, and will forever sing her, the doctor's, and Piedmont’s praises! Sadee is a true DAISY Nurse! Something that may have been routine for her gave us more valuable time with our mom! She is amazing and we will never be able to thank her enough.

After writing my original story, we talked to Sadee's boss. She informed us that Sadee had been so concerned about my mom, that she called for updates on her days off to see how she was! I that’s not going above and beyond, I don’t know what is! What a blessing she is!