Sallanshell Wilson
June 2020
Northwestern Memorial Hospital




Sally made me laugh a time when I thought I could easily die in my sleep because I couldn't breathe well enough. She sang, she danced, she made sure I had food, water, meds.
I was admitted supposedly with a bad case of pneumonia and I was given a COVID-19 test. I was told that it would take 4 days to receive the test results. Needless to say, I knew my hospital stay would be at least 4 days. When transport wheeled me off the elevator heading for my room, the nurse that escorted us paused at the nurses' station and yelled out to the staff "This is number 53!" Everyone at the nurses' station turned to see me, patient #53. I didn't know if I were the 53rd person being admitted for coronavirus or what. But I could see them stare at me as transport moved me from the elevator onto the floor. There was fear and uncertainty in their eyes, and rightfully so. We didn't know much about this virus in March, except that it was highly contagious and that many people would die. I thought I was going to die because I couldn't breathe and my husband couldn't hold my hand and take my mind away from the darkness and the loneliness. I didn't have enough air to really call friends on my cell phone - didn't feel like talking, didn't feel like texting. I prayed and cried all night in my room XX53. But the next morning, God sent me an angel named Nurse Sally (ie. "Sallanshell Simpson") and her upbeat spirit was unstoppable. She was so helpful, so informative, so compassionate, yet so hilarious, that I forgot about what I was going through. She made me laugh a time when I thought I could easily die in my sleep because I couldn't breathe well enough. She sang, she danced, she made sure I had food, water, meds. Anything and everything I asked for or needed, she was there for me. She was also there when I got the good news that I tested negative for COVID-19 and I was elated. Nurse Sally pulled me from such a deep blue funk, that I am convinced she had to be an angel assigned to lift my spirit and keep me from slipping off into some abyss. She spoke life into me and I will be forever grateful to nurse Sally for that. She is definitely a shining star on that nurses staff. She was the most compassionate nurse I have ever met. And that's exactly what I needed at that time. Please let her know that she has a special gift for not only nursing but for healing the spirit. Please tell her I said, "Thank You for lifting me up!"