Sally Bond
November 2020
Pallative Care
Flagstaff Medical Center
United States




...she realized that a diner at the table next to her was having a medical emergency
Sally Bond was on vacation out of state having dinner when she realized that a diner at the table next to her was having a medical emergency. She determined the patient was in cardiac arrest and worked to perform CPR, resuscitate the gentleman, and support him and his family for 45 minutes until EMS arrived. The gentleman was released from the hospital for outpatient cardiac follow-up the next day.

As if that was not enough she continued to work with the facility she was dining at to provide suggestions to improve their ability to handle medical emergencies in the future ( having an AED handy, soliciting quicker assistance from trained customers and staff, etc).

Even outside our NAH community, Sally was able to lead with our values of being better together, showing compassion, and doing amazing work!!

Thank you for leading with our values, even while on vacation to improve (and save) the lives of people around you!