March 2024
Northwest Texas Hospital
United States




She also calmed me and helped me a great deal, even though I wasn’t even her patient.
My husband was having heart issues. He’s so mean, and I was surprised he even had enough of a heart to give him trouble. He’s rude and misogynistic, and he broke rule after rule. He’s loud and obnoxious, and he likes to yell at people and insult them. He spent four days in the cardiac unit terrorizing everyone who came near him. The only one who did not lose her cool, the only one who could calm him and comfort him in a way not even I could, was Samantha Addy. She also calmed me and helped me a great deal, even though I wasn’t even her patient. God bless her for her grace under fire, and yes, she deserves recognition and probably even a whole garden named after her. Thank you so much, Sam! We will never forget you!