Samantha Kenyon
March 2016
The Hospital of Central Connecticut
New Britain
United States




Samantha goes above and beyond in caring for each of her patients, all the while following the core nursing values. One day Samantha was taking care of a very pleasant elderly lady who had come in from a long term care facility with mental disabilities. She was constantly jumping out of bed as a result of being scared and lonely and was on a bed alarm for her safety. She was not aware of where she was and Samantha was constantly by her bedside to comfort her and reorient her to the place and situation.
At one point during my shift I was wondering where Samantha was. Later on I found her by this patient's bedside sitting in a chair, charting, talking to her, and providing her with a sense of comfort and safety. Later that day, Samantha explained to me that this patient missed her pets and could not understand why they were not with her. Her "pets" were stuffed animals she had at the long term care facility she was previously in. After Samantha had punched out at the end of her shift, I overheard her talking on the phone with the facility that her patient came from, asking the nurse if she would be able to come and pick up the patient's "pets". I cannot recall how soon Sam came back with the stuffed animals, but she came back and handed them to the patient she was very happy that her "pets" were safely with her and she was comforted by their presence.