November 2022
11B Neurology
University of Texas Medical Branch
United States




She has shown in countless situations how compassionate and patient she is even when faced with highly agitated confused patients which are the very nature of the kind of clients we get in this unit.
Working in the Neurology/Neurosurgery unit can be quite a challenge as it does not only entail physical stamina to withstand the rigors of performing nursing tasks but also a combination of having enormous patience wit and compassion. Whenever I worked with Sam I always feel confident that I will have someone very capable to help me with whatever problems we might encounter along the shift. She has shown in countless situations how compassionate and patient she is even when faced with highly agitated confused patients which are the very nature of the kind of clients we get in this unit. Few nurses who get floated in our unit would say it is an easy floor and true enough one might be working in a regular medical surgical unit for long but working with very confused patients would really test one's mettle in nursing. Her patience and exceptional capability to understand patient's and family members' anxiety due to illness and confinement makes her stand out among her peers. It is not only her being compassionate towards patients and families that make Sam a shining example of excellence in nursing care but her selfless efforts of always being there to help with co worker whether to start a PIV as she is excellent with ultrasound guided PIV or to act as resource on various tasks sometimes even nurses from other units ask for her help for which she never hesitates to given the chance. A nurse of her caliber is a rarity and a true gem of a find she truly deserves recognition that I believe is long overdue.