April 2023
I Blue
University Hospital - New Jersey
United States




She provided extraordinary services by ensuring I was okay at every chance without me even having to ask.
I have to start by saying thank you so much for everything in the brief amount of time that I had with you. In this day and age, a lot of people are forgetting that it's the smallest things that count. I was so ready to leave and get far away from this hospital, never to return. When nurse Sameera came into my room to check my IV bag, it was like a breath of fresh air, the feeling of comfort, assurance, and an amiable person. She provided extraordinary services by ensuring I was okay at every chance without me even having to ask. The one time I did actually ask for anything it was given to me within 10-15 minutes, and if anything was to take a little long, she was right there giving me the heads up. She informed me about information I didn't even know or had in the back of my mind but didn't say. It's one of the best things and also another great quality of hers to stay informed throughout your whole process, especially since some patients might not know what or how to ask certain questions. Also, before I flood this statement with all the things that are amazing about Nurse Sameera if you haven't experienced her for yourself. She is a phenomenal woman not just around the hospital but her personality with everyone. Now, don't go overwhelming her because all she knows is an amazing heart; how to give and receive it back. So with that being said, this is a person who did the deed & not just for me but for many others throughout her career. I'm a very big fan of giving credit when credit is due especially when a person goes above & beyond what is expected of them—it's just the job that they love to do. Even throughout all the hectic schedules and patients, how many employees can say HONESTLY that they LOVE their work after a rough day? Not just for the money either. Thank you for your time to allow me to express a little of my thoughts on why I believe Sameera is a DAISY Nurse.