Sandra Blocker
September 2022
Freestanding Emergency Department
UF Health Shands Hospital
United States




It is because of Sandra’s Vigilance, quick action, and CPR that this child will have the opportunity to experience life.
On a Sunday afternoon as Sandra sat by the pool enjoying some downtime in the sun. Sandra relaxed and watched the children play in the shallow side of the pool. She noticed them all jumping around and playing while others dove down for dive toys. Sandra looked at her husband and said that kid hasn’t come back up. As she stood up and headed over to the pool. She noticed the child in a dark colored swimsuit at the bottom of the pool without movement. She immediately jumped in the pool and brought the child to the surface. The child was limp, pale, and lifeless. She immediately placed the child on the ground and began CPR. As others called 911. Within a short period, the child began vomiting, coughing, and began breathing although still unresponsive. Sandra rolled the child to their side and remained by their side. It is because of Sandra’s Vigilance, quick action, and CPR that this child will have the opportunity to experience life. Anyone that knows Sandra knows she has a passion to make a positive difference in any person's life she has the opportunity to meet and/or provide care for. Her compassion and empathy radiate.