Sandra Hackett
July 2021
Redlands Community Hosptial
United States




Sandra treated me with dignity when I was at my lowest, felling completely helpless.
I was admitted to the hospital due to acute renal failure. The entire experience was very traumatic for me. I had never been hospitalized before. I had no history of kidney issues and nobody knew why this was happening. At the time of admission, I was too afraid to tell anybody that I had been sexually assaulted and possibly drugged. I was in a state of panic. I did not have any family to stay with me. I was scared and couldn’t sleep.

On my second night on the Telemetry unit, a nurse came to check on me and I told him I thought I had been sexually assaulted and I did not know who to tell or what to do. I had not slept at all because I was so afraid of everyone. I told him that I was afraid I would not be able to sleep again because I was scared. He stopped what he was doing and told me he could help. He informed Sandra who immediately came to my room to talk. I never met her before and she had never met me, but she treated me with such compassion. She sat with me for a very long time, listened to my story, comforted me, and offered resources. She absolutely went above and beyond to make sure I felt safe and that I knew I wasn’t alone. She held my hand, she got me tissues, she validated me. She told me what my options are in an incredibly gentle way. She respected me and whatever decision I made.

Sandra treated me with dignity when I was at my lowest, felling completely helpless. Sandra is such a strong person. She is the ideal example of what a nurse should be. After the time we spent together, she would make sure to personally come check on me. Sandra made me feel like it was safe for me to finally sleep again, and I did. I noticed that when the nurses did their rounds to check vitals, they seemed to make sure everyone else was done and came to me last to let me sleep just a little longer. Sandra and her entire team gave me hope when I had none. She showed me kindness and lent me her time when she did not have to. She opened up to me and comforted me when she did not have to.

I am writing this after a year and a half because what she did for me impacted me and affects me to this day and will forever. I think back to that traumatic time often, she was the only light I had. Based on the way she cared for me, I can only imagine how incredible she has been with other patients in their time of fear. She has touched more lives than she knows. Thank you, Sandra. I am so deeply grateful that our paths crossed. I am so grateful for your time, energy, and compassion.