Sandra Weeks Montgomery
December 2017
TBI Rehab
Craig Hospital
United States
My son has been a patient at Craig for almost 8 weeks. There are many outstanding nurses and professional caregivers here, however, Sandra stood out to me for several reasons as she cared for my son. Her overall presence is unique. She demonstrates a natural caring "spirit" while tending to her patient, taking a sincere interest in their pain, condition and mental state. She listens intently and responds with a very soft and tender voice. She is reassuring, compassionate and genuine. She is encouraging throughout the time she spends with her patients yet knows her boundaries. She stays focused on her duties not to be distracted by environmental or family interference,however, she is there to answer any and all questions a family member has. She educates the patient as well as incoming caregivers with a serious approach and attention to detail. I am awed by her spiritual and positive presence that she brings to the room each and every time.