Sandra Wills
November 2023
Primary Clinic
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
United States




Sandra was able to find out where the line of communication was lost and help the veteran to avoid future confusion.
Nurse Sandra Wills is uncompromising in her diligence. I recently had a patient move to another VA and was officially under the care of another VA provider. The veteran called our VA with general questions regarding a referral. Nurse Wills not only helped to establish a line of communication between the veteran and his current providers, but she also conducted a root cause analysis to assess what led to the veteran calling our office instead of his current provider. She was able to find out where the line of communication was lost and help the veteran to avoid future confusion. Considering the patient was no longer under our care, the particular incident really stood out to me because she still assumed responsibility for this veteran even though she could have passed on the responsibility to someone else. She consistently goes above and beyond for patients and has a consistent can-do attitude. She is an invaluable member of our team.