May 2022
Stephen F. Austin State University
United States
Her greatest love and impact have been in the area of student education.
This faculty has had a long-standing and long-lasting impact on the profession of nursing. She was a member of the US Army Nurse Corps, active duty and honorably discharged at the rank of a Captain in 1977. She began her nursing teaching career in 1991 and has taught ADN, BSN, and MSN level nurses. She has served as a member on the Board of The Women’s Shelter of East Texas and as a sexual assault and domestic violence advocate. She has been a member of the SFA DeWitt School of nursing since 2005. During her time at SFA, she has served as the Director of the SON, served on Faculty Senate, and has been a member of other committees within the university. Her greatest love and impact have been in the area of student education. She has helped prepare more than 2,000 students for entry into nursing practice here at SFA. After many years of service, she will be retiring in August.