Sara Martinez
December 2021
Critical Care Unit
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
Downers Grove
United States




Sara humored me at 2:30 am and took pictures of the two of us when I sat up for the first time.
This tribute to my nurse, Sara, has taken me close to four months to write. It has been difficult to find the right words to honor such a kind and dedicated health care worker. So, let me now try to do justice to this care I received from her, during my two nights in the CCU. When you open your eyes and begin to know where you are after open-heart surgery, it helps so much to have a smiling kind face looking at you. And I DID, Sara was that kind smiling face. She was sweet, soft-spoken, and compassionate. She not only got me through the first two nights, medically but emotionally. She was so caring and friendly, she made me feel like I was at a sleepover with a friend. Going above and beyond. I kept getting stuck to the tape on all the connections in my neck. Sara would apologize for having to pull my hair off the sticky tape. She then asked me if I would mind if she would put my hair up in a bun to help the situation. Sara went into her personal belongings, came back with her scrunchie, then put my hair in a bun. Problem solved. She even humored me at 2:30 am and took pictures of the two of us when I sat up for the first time. She even sent it to my family for me. Dedicated- YES!! A true excellent health care worker who should be honored.