Sara Spartz
March 2022
Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center
Sioux Falls
United States




Her job that day wasn't to give me one last conversation with my dad, but Sara put herself in my shoes and gave me a gift I will never forget.
My dad passed away in October from COVID-19. Sara assisted in letting me see my dad before he was intubated. She got me closer to my dad than I ever imagined was possible. I could see the pain in his eyes and hear the weakness in his voice. I was able to tell him I love him while he was awake one last time. When I was leaving I thanked Sara and she simply said, if it were her dad they would have a hard time keeping her away.

That has really stuck with me. Sara went above and beyond just doing her job. Her job that day wasn't to give me one last conversation with my dad, but she put herself in my shoes and gave me a gift I will never forget. Sara was there the night my dad passed away. She wasn't assigned to him, but she came in to help my family cope with what was happening and answered every question that was asked. Seeing her again brought me more comfort than I can explain with words.