Sarah Hoekwater
September 2023
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
United States




My focus was solely on the excruciating pain coursing through my body and the voices of Sarah and my husband telling me I could do this and would make it through.
Sarah was a phenomenal L&D nurse. From the moment she walked in the room it was clear she was very experienced and knew how to take care of us. I informed her that I wanted to attempt an unmedicated birth but was open to an epidural if the pain became unbearable. To support my wishes, she found a set of wireless fetal monitors and showed us various positions, stretches and movements I could do to help augment my labor. She helped us find the one that started to trigger them 1-5 minutes apart. As the intensity of the contractions picked up, she brought the anesthesiology team in to discuss my pain options before it was too late- and the timing at which they could intervene. She gave me as much information she could reliably share for me to make a decision including unknowns in the pain levels and timing of L&D. I elected to move forward without the epidural at that time.

The pain and strength of contractions significantly increased about 25 min later, but by then, the anesthesiologist was tied up in a c-section, as she had said would happen. Sarah and her orientee stepped in to provide robust moral support and guidance as I coped through the most difficult pain and discomfort of my life. Sarah coached me on breathing techniques, showed my husband ways to provide counterpressure during contractions, and was my mental cheerleader.

After laboring over an hour at an intolerable pain level, I didn’t think I was going to make it- my eyes were rolling back in my head from the pain. I couldn’t even look over to see the midwife when she walked into the room to introduce herself. I was physically exhausted, and it was all I could do not to pass out with each subsequent contraction. My focus was solely on the excruciating pain coursing through my body and the voices of Sarah and my husband telling me I could do this and would make it through. We did a cervical check, and I was only at 7-8cm. Sarah sensed how disheartened I was and encouraged me to use the restroom, knowing the change in position would get me to the finish line- and it did! I went from 7-8cm to full dilation in 20 min! Despite other requests for me to roll over onto my back Sarah advocated for the best positioning for myself during the delivery. It took a series of pushes, and just like that, the pain was over, and I had my baby boy cradled safely in my arms.

There is no one better to have supported us through such a challenging, rewarding, and memorable experience. We will never forget her!