Sarah Jewkes
December 2022
St. Mary's Hospital
Grand Junction
United States




Sarah is a great, kind nurse who is very attentive to my needs.
Sarah made a huge difference in my life while I was at Saint Mary's Hospital. She makes me have a positive outlook on life even when I'm feeling down. When I heard about the DAISY Award it touched me because this award fits Sarah perfectly and a Daisy is the flower for my birthday.

Sarah is a great communicator. She discussed everything before she completed my wound care we made a plan and completed the plan to the end. This wound change was the BEST ONE I have had this entire stay! Thank you for being so gentle with my wound care. That made the process of healing and cleaning my wounds manageable and less painful. It was helpful to plan my pain medications before we started so I was ready for the process before we began. Sarah brought lavender into the room during my wound change. The lavender was a good touch to help me during the wound change because I do not like the smell of the wounds and breathing through my nose to keep calm and smelling the lavender made it easier to go through wound care. I am not used to receiving praise and it felt good to hear her cheering me on. (“You are doing so well with your breathing!” “Keep taking those good breaths!” “Are you doing okay while I am cleaning over here?”) She was so proud of me! For my breathing and keeping her informed on how the care was going.

Sarah is a great, kind nurse who is very attentive to my needs. I can feel how sincere you are, you REALLY CARE! Sarah made me feel better and made my stay better. I wish I could have her be my nurse every day while I am here, but she needs to be with her family too. Sarah thank you for making a big difference in my life keep spreading your positive outlook!