Sarah Klecher
September 2023
Cardiac Acute Care Unit
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook
United States




As my mother's body began to fail her, Sarah was right there by her side, giving her care, cleaning her, but most importantly, holding her and letting her know she was not alone and was surrounded in love.
My mother was brought into the hospital and admitted to CACU, where Sarah was her nurse. My mother was 83 years old and had been dealing with congestive heart failure for a few years, so we thought we were emotionally prepared for when her time came to leave us. I was not. We were blessed to have Sunday afternoon and evening with my mother being alert, awake, and joking with all of us. Sarah gave her the best care and made her last day here on earth one that was comfortable and caring. She prepared a room where my entire family could come and be with my mom.. her children, and all her grandchildren. She continually checked on all of us, and as my mother's body began to fail her, she was right there by her side, giving her care, cleaning her, but most importantly, holding her and letting her know she was not alone and was surrounded in love. When her final moments came, I was the one who began to unravel, not expecting death to present the way it did for my mother. Sarah was with us the whole time and stayed with us after her last breath was taken. Sarah took the time to comfort me and let me know there was nothing I could have done to make her final moments easier. I cannot fully express the gift it was to have Sarah with my mother and all of us. She is amazing and will continue to make a powerful positive impact in her field.