Sarah Maynard
October 2021
General Medicine
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
United States




Around 9 pm Sarah went to the patient's room and escorted his wife to the hotel down the street.
I had the pleasure of working with Sarah for one year at Northwestern. We met on our first day of work, and even though I now live in Oklahoma City, she has been such a wonderful support system as we both grow as nurses. A few weeks ago, I was visiting Sarah in Chicago. She has cards that people have sent her on display in the kitchen. I was being nosey (we're good friends) and saw one from a patient's family member and asked Sarah about it. In Sarah's very humble, unassuming manner she told me the story of how she went above and beyond for a patient and his wife. I'm not sure if it was Sarah's primary patient or if she was in charge, but the patient asked about hotel accommodations and if there would be anyone available to "escort his wife" to the hotel. Sarah explained that she couldn't take a nurse off the floor at that time but that she would be happy to escort this wife once her shift was over. Around 9 pm Sarah went to the patient's room and escorted his wife to the hotel down the street. She made sure she arrived safely to her room. Sarah gave the wife contact information for the unit and even offered to meet her the next morning to help her get back to the hospital. All nurses can relate to the fact this last year and a half has been hard. It has required a lot of resilience, patience, and compassion. Going an extra mile for your patients can feel daunting when you are stretched thin and juggling a busy day. We are asked to wear many hats day in and day out, especially as charge nurse. The patient's daughter wrote a note because she was so touched by the fact that Sarah not only cared for her patient but also her mother. Sarah never seeks attention or recognition, so I have a feeling this has happened multiple times and even her coworkers and close friends would have no idea.

As I navigate a new job, I am so grateful to have nurses in my life who continue to give so much of themselves on a daily basis. After visiting Sarah, I returned to work the following week and felt inspired to go out of my way for a patient. We need more nurses like Sarah who make other nurses around her better. Sarah is a true DAISY Nurse.