Sarah Zimmermann
July 2022
Ascension at Home Together with Compassus
Ascension at Home
United States
In the short time I worked with Sarah, I witnessed her go above and beyond to care for our patients and help her team.
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to work with the Neenah agency as a scheduler while the agency recruited and trained someone to permanently fill the position. I was amazed at the level of compassion for patients and the passion for high-quality care shown by the entire team. Sarah Zimmermann, RN, made a lasting impression on me. Sarah is one of the nurses I worked more closely with. She demonstrated understanding and kindness as I worked through the challenges of learning a new role, a role that made a huge impact on her day. She never let on just how frustrating training a new scheduler really is for field clinicians. Sarah’s daily demonstration of compassion, empathy, enthusiasm, and dedication to her patients and team makes her a great candidate to be considered for this award. In the short time I worked with Sarah, I witnessed her go above and beyond to care for our patients and help her team. If I witnessed all of this in just three months, I could only imagine how many other examples there are. Soon after I started, after working a weekend, Sarah volunteered to complete a dressing change on her day off. We were struggling to find someone with the ability to add this visit to their already full schedules and to make sure the patient received the care she needed; Sarah gave up part of her day off to care for the patient and help her team. Often there are more admissions than clinicians in the care area adjacent to Sarah’s. Many times, we asked her to go outside of her territory to admit a patient. Despite escalating gas prices and an already widespread territory, Sarah was always willing to drive the miles and put in the extra time to make sure the patient received the care needed. She willingly goes the extra mile (often literally) to help her coworkers and her agency reach their patient care goals. Sarah’s diligence makes her a trustworthy caregiver, coworker, and employee. She makes sure orders are moved through the workflow to ensure the visits are populated to her schedule. She will inquire when she does not see them on her schedule as she knows how important these visits are to keeping her patients healthy and out of the hospital. In one instance, she called a patient three times and left two messages over the course of a day before reaching out to the office team to see if there was an ER visit or hospital admission she needed to be aware of. Local nursing students often spend the day with our home health nurses. On one occasion, she had two (possibly three) nursing students observing her visits for the day. I was not there, but later it was mentioned that she had the students hold her bag/supplies versus placing anything on the floor at this patient’s home. While Sarah worked through the start of the care visit, the students noticed there was a large bookshelf filled with videos intended for a mature audience and were a little unsure of how to react. Sarah led with compassion. She never even glanced at her surroundings in a way that could have made her patient uncomfortable; instead, she focused on her patient and made sure the patient was successfully being cared for in his home. Her dedication to patient care is a lesson those students would never learn from a book. In addition to a full-time position caring for those in need in her community, Sarah raises a family and still finds time to be a volunteer paramedic. Most rural areas rely on volunteer EMTs and paramedics to provide emergency medical care, and the care these volunteers provide can be the difference between life and death when the closest Emergency Department could be up to half an hour away. Sarah’s passion for helping people is evident in everything she does, and I truly believe she encapsulates everything the DAISY Award is meant to recognize.